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Throwback Thursday // Phil Wood & Co. Factory Visit

In May of 2012 a few of us took a road trip from our office in Irvine up to San Francisco for the Red Bull Ride & Style event. San Francisco was great, we visited friends at the Rapha Cycle Club, stopped by the Chrome SF registration party and attended the event to support our team riders. After the event we slowly began making our way back down to Southern California, making a pit stop at a street fair in San Jose. We walked the streets and stuffed our faces with food until someone mentioned that the Phil Wood factory was nearby.

Not knowing what to expect and without even knowing if it was going to be open, we headed on over to take a look around. Upon arrival we found a unassuming brick building with a simple Phil Wood sign and a slightly cracked open door. We peeked our heads in and to our surprise we found just one person working that day, the owner of Phil Wood & Co., Peter Enright. He greeted us warmly and welcomed us in when he found out we were from City Grounds and were hoping to see the shop. Over the next hour he took us through the factory, explaining in great detail all of the machinery and the production that goes into each product. We were like little kids in a candy shop and couldn't get enough even though most of the technical details went right over our heads.

Peter let us take some photos and even showed us a separate warehouse where he had some cars stashed along with other collectibles and memorabilia. For some reason we never got around to posting those photographs, and after I stumbled on them earlier this week I thought it would be a great for throwback Thursday. Check out the photo gallery below and make sure to stop by the factory in San Jose if you ever get a chance, tell Peter we say hello!